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Re-OPEN at Colony

We've been so unsure of how to re-open Colony.

In what seemed like singular, flashing moments (rather than four languished months) our beloved Canal Street transformed from a bustling spring day, to a siren-ladled ghost town, to shattering windows and tear gas, to determined chants for justice and change.

We -- both personally and as a business -- are unquestionably and forever changed. Self-reflection led to self-doubt which led to a renewed determination to not only to do better at what we do, but also to just do better.

So. We are re-opening. It's not a grand re-opening, but not a fearful one either. We are simply opening ourselves back up for business, discovery, critique, and growth.

IN PERSON: Starting immediately, our hours of operation will again be Monday-Friday, 12-6 pm. Appointments are highly recommended and masks and social distancing are required.

ONLINE: We have redesigned our website and are excited to share it with you. Please browse our collection here.

OFFICE HOURS: I will be hosting monthly open office hours available to emerging BIPOC designers who might find value in meeting with me for feedback, questions or general commiseration. Please email for details. We will do everything we can to accommodate all inquiries.

Thank you, as always, for your unwavering support of Colony. We are so grateful for you, we are in awe of your work, and we stay buoyed by your resilience.

Riddled with self doubt a few months ago, I was struggling with the negative political connotations that come with the word Colony. I even considered changing it. But ultimately I revisited the definition that landed me on this name more than six years ago:

a group of like-minded individuals with common interests situated in close community

In solidarity and community,
Jean Lin